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Tutoring Opportunity at MDHS

There is a unique tutoring opportunity starting up at MDHS next week. The tutor is especially capable in Math and Physics. Please see the attached flyer as you may have a student that could use the after hours assistance.

Heads up Blue Devils! Are you a student in Grades 10-12 who is interested in international travel? If so, check out next year’s “In Their Footsteps” trip to London, Paris, Normandy, and Vimy.

“Travel from England to France and see where the 20th century’s hardest-fought conflicts took place. Travel around London and relive the tension of The Blitz by seeing inside the Cabinet War Rooms, the secret headquarters where Churchill and his staff directed Allied moves. Visit Juno Beach in Normandy, where Canadian troops landed on June 6, 1944 and began to force the German retreat during World War II.”

Additional information, including the trip itinerary, is available using this link: (also linked in the story) via the link.

Please contact Ms. Hamilton, Ms. MacLeod, or Mr. Lowe if you have any questions.

News & Announcements

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  • #Compassion Connects: A Call To Be Kind

    When we are struggling with our mental health, it is important to reach out for support:
    There is no problem too big or too small, please reach out for help 24/7:
    Huron Perth Helpline & Crisis Response Team 1-888-829-7484
    Kids Help Phone 1-800-668-6868 or TEXT 686868
    #MentalHealthWeek #CompassionConnects
  • Bullying Awareness & Prevention Week: Respecting Differences

    One of the best ways to prevent bullying is to promote an inclusive environment based on mutual respect.

    Everyone, regardless of their race, ethnicity, disability, gender, sex, or sexual orientation has the right to feel welcome, safe and secure at school. Together, we can work to ensure that everyone is treated with respect
  • As Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week comes to a close, it is important for youth to know where to get help.

    Encourage children and youth to think about a safe and caring adult in their life or the support of Kids Help Phone TEXT: 686868 in times of need.
  • Campus Central

    Campus Central is an online registry of over 4,500 postsecondary schools from across Canada and France. Our goal is to provide students with valuable information on every postsecondary option in the country through a single website.
    Although Campus Central is a year-round platform we also organize Virtual Student Expos where recruiters are available to answer questions live during specific days.
    The Ontario Virtual Student Expo is on October 14th & 15th.
  • Events Calendar

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